
What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a holistic diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of functional disorders and painful locomotor system syndromes and their biomechanical and neurophysiological consequences.
The goal is to correct segmental functional disorders of the spine and extremities (arms, legs, tmj). There are different techniques to treat functional disorders; I use Gonstead, Thompson, Activator, Diversified and flexion distraction.
For the past 10 years, I have been studying Functional Neurology at postgraduate level at the Carrick Institute (Amsterdam, London). Balancing brain function results in symmetrical muscle tone in the spine. Through treatment by chiropractic manipulation or neurological exercises, I can balance functional disturbances, which is particularly important for recurring disorders.
Why is equilibrium important?
Equilibrium is controlled by the eyes, proprioceptors (sensors in the articulations) and also the inner ear. This information is relayed to the cerebellum and vestibular system. The consequence of disturbance in these organs is asymmetrically developed spinal musculature. During growth, this can lead to scoliosis or other postural deformities.

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